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Free 1-on-1 Digital Support for Small Businesses

Digital Service Squad


What Can We Do For Your Business?

The 5 most used social media platforms in Canada in 2022 are:

  • Facebook 77%
  • Instagram 58%
  • Twitter 37%
  • Pinterest 35%
  • Tik Tok 32%

Keep in mind many of the people using these applications are using multiple applications. So it is important to know who your target audience is.

And more importantly what platform they are on.

Sign Up Here for advise on how to make the most of your time on social media.

About DSS

The Digital Service Squad (DSS) is designed to help small businesses take their businesses online. This program, a partnership between Business Link and Digital Main Street, will help small businesses in Alberta undergo digital transformations and adopt eCommerce practices. DSS is open to home-based or commercial small businesses registered in Alberta with less than 50 employees. 

Digital Service Squads guides businesses through digital transformation. Small businesses can apply to participate in the program, free of charge.


No costTailoredSimpleEffectiveFreefor small business owners.

Digital Economy Program

Digital Service Squad

 The DSS is focused on providing 1-on-1 FREE local assistance for digital services to small businesses in Alberta. It will include training and advisory support towards digital strategy development, Google My Business assistance, social media posts, taking awesome pictures for your businesses, and more.

Sign Me Up!

Contact Us

Box 1484
4802 - 50 Avenue
St. Paul, AB  T0A 3A0
P: 780-645-5782


Communities Served

Abilene, Ashmont, Bellis, Boyne Lake, Brosseau, Elk Point, Foisy, Goodfish Lake, Heinsburg, Horseshoe Bay, Lafond, Lindbergh, Mallaig, McRae, Saddle Lake, Smoky Lake, Spedden, St Brides, St Edouard, St Lina, St Paul, St Vincent, Vilna, Warspite, Waskatenau