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Business Programs In The St. Paul - Smoky Lake Region

We support entrepreneurs of all ages and abilities.

It’s our goal to give everyone in our region and equal opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge they need to be a small business owner, by providing a number of programs for both adults and youth.


Our Programs

Entrepreneurs With Disabilities Program

The Entrepreneurs with Disabilities program (EDP) was created to provide enhanced small business development support to people with disabilities in rural Alberta. Self-employment can be a great way for persons with a disability or an ongoing medical condition to get back into the workforce.

This specialized program includes:

  • Business training
  • Assistance with drawing up a business plan
  • Mentoring
  • Affordable, flexible business loans to establish a new business, purchase an existing business, or expand or upgrade an existing business

To be eligible for the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program, you must:

  • Have a self-declared disability or ongoing medical condition
  • Live in rural Alberta
  • Have a viable business idea
  • Be able to contribute in some way to your business

To learn more about this program, please contact us.

Youth Entrepreneurship Programs

Lemonade Day Northern Alberta
Lemonade Day is a free, fun, experiential learning program that teaches youth how to start, own and operate their own business – a lemonade stand.

Each child that registers attend Lemonade University where they learn business skills like  creating budgets, setting profit-making goals, serving customers, repaying investors, and giving back to the community. Along the way, they acquire skills in goal-setting, problem solving, and gain self-esteem critical for future success.

Then on Lemonade Day, kids all across Northern Alberta set up lemonade Stands and try their hands at business ownership! 

Lemonade Day is open to kids in kindergarten to high school.

To learn more visit our Lemonade Day website:

Community Futures St. Paul – Smoky Lake Region the proud providers of the Head Start in Business Programs.

It is our goal of to plant the seed of entrepreneurship and leadership into Alberta’s young people and to encourage students to be enthusiastic about their future.

Head Start in Business Alberta provides in-class programs, as well as public events which are designed to make entrepreneurship more accessible to students and realistic as a viable career option.

We offer FREE in-class programs, as well as public events which are facilitated by a trained coordinator and integrate classroom curriculum to draw the connections between entrepreneurship and educational outcomes.

To learn more about these programs for students kindergarten to high school, visit our website:

A key part of growing up is learning to do grown up things and take care of responsibilities such as, a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes up adult life, but the skills for adulting need to be learned, just like anything else. Through our Adulting Workshop Series it is our goal to give students the skills they need to embrace Adult Life with confidence.

Adulting Series Includes:

  • Adulting 101: How to Money
  • Adulting 101: How to Plastic and Borrow
  • Adulting 101: How to Job & Life

​If you, or your organization is interested in having the Adulting: 101 Series brought to your area or organization, please contact us. We are happy to offer private training opportunities and to customize the presentation for those involved.

For more information and for Upcoming Class Dates visit our website:

Connect with us to start learning today!

Contact Us

Box 1484
4802 - 50 Avenue
St. Paul, AB  T0A 3A0
P: 780-645-5782


Communities Served

Abilene, Ashmont, Bellis, Boyne Lake, Brosseau, Elk Point, Foisy, Goodfish Lake, Heinsburg, Horseshoe Bay, Lafond, Lindbergh, Mallaig, McRae, Saddle Lake, Smoky Lake, Spedden, St Brides, St Edouard, St Lina, St Paul, St Vincent, Vilna, Warspite, Waskatenau